Monday, July 18, 2016

Gracious Confidence

As I read this book The Jesus Hearted Woman by Jodi Detrick. I was impacted by the following quote:

"Contrary to what some may think, insecurity is not humility, Quite the opposite, it's me focused and is more concerned with self-protection than risking rejection or pain for the benefit for others."

It brought to my mind that the reason I have this fear of  public speaking is because Iam "me focused" instead of focusing on the fact that what I want to share is a word from God! That the information I want to share may transform someones heart and bring a word of Hope. When my focus is Jesus and his word and making a difference in a hurting world. My influence is bigger than me!  God is glorified and my heart is transformed change happens and his kingdom expands. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

God is in Control

Many people are angry, and rightly so. Anger is a legitimate and proper response to injustice. Confronted with hardness of heart on the part of religious leaders, Jesus “looked around at them in anger” (Mark 3:5). David wrote, “God is a righteous judge, who expresses his wrath every day” (Psalm 7:11). Those who are angry with injustice on the basis of principle and conviction have often bettered our world. Luther was angry at religious abuses; Wilberforce was angry at slavery; Martin Luther King was angry at racism. They illustrate that anger, properly channeled and controlled, can produce positive action.
But there is a warning, “In your anger, do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26). Anger can turn to resentment and bitterness, which like a cancer, pollutes the soul. This is why the Bible warns that we are not to take vengeance on our enemies, “Do not repay anyone for evil… Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:17,19)
Dr.Erwin Lutzer

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Psalm 55:22

We all face the daily opportunity to worry about something our health, finances, family, jobs, the economy.

The list is endless. If we let them, our worries can consume our lives!

Yet worry is so unproductive, it accomplishes nothing except producing anxiety, stress, and fear. Worry will

Rob you of your joy, peace, and faith. It can cloud your mind and often leads to irrational thinking.

Worry’s strength and hold on our life only grows if we dwell on our problems. But there is great news

God’s plan is for us to live a worry-free life! You may be wondering, how is that possible? Simple: by putting our complete trust and confidence

In God and His Word. God promised that He would never leave you or forsake you, and the Bible tells us in Mathew 6:25 not to worry about our life.

If you were to look through the eyes of our Heavenly Father, we would see that no situation or circumstances is too great for God!

Our problems are actually quite small compared to how big our God is!

The secret so many people miss is that it’s not enough to tell yourself not to worry about something; we have to replace worried thoughts

With God’s thoughts. When you dwell on the Word, you dwell on His thoughts. Paul refers to this process as “renewing your mind” in Romans 12:2.

Making it a part of our daily routine to read, meditate, and speak God’s Word will transform your life!

When worry tries to grip us, let us remind ourselves to keep calm and trust God, because He is going to take care of us.

We are more precious than gold to Him!

A Prayer:

Lord, help us not to worry about anything. We are looking to you to see us through this situation. In obedience to your Word, we cast

All our care, concern and worry on you. Grant us your peace to remain steady and calm. Help us to let your peace rule and reign in our heart.

We put our trust and confidence in you. We know you love us and care for us as a loving Father. We know you will not let us down. We believe you are

Working everything out for our good. Lord, reveal to us your perfect will in this situation. Let us keep looking to you and not let our heart be troubled

Or fearful. Help us to be spiritually strong and courageous and not to let our emotions or feelings dictate our actions.

In Jesus name Amen!
Reference taken from
 Jake Provance & Keith Provance
Keep Calm & Trust God