"A relationship is a privilege " not a right!
I look at this picture & think how sweet this relationship is.....no expectations, or manipulation just pure love of friends....
When we decide not to confront someone who wants to manipulate us, use or abuse us. For the sake of "keeping the peace" We have decided to make a relationship a right not a privilege. Stuck people always have an agenda with someone else's life but the minute we allow them to unload their junk on our lives without boundaries. We have made the relationship a right not a privilege. I think many of us struggle with being up right honest with others especially when family is in involved. But, my experience is we hurt alot more people when we allow the chaos to become our chaos. Confrontation is not fun, at times we loose people we love. But, I also have experienced that when we choose to have those undesirable talks you remove relationships that are toxic out of your life and you invite healthy loving ones in. Because relationships are a privilege & and a blessing from God not a right!
Setting boundaries is hard but so necessary. Because, if not we live the chaos with them! Relationships are a privilege and sometimes people treat them like a right! It's up to us to remind them!
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. - Proverbs 24:3-4
Who do you need to set boundaries on today? Choose life not Chaos!
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