Friday, December 23, 2016

Let every heart prepare Him room!

Let every heart prepare Him room! 

She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Luke2:7 

I want to summarize in my own words  the message Pastor Matt Roden  gave last weekend at our church. I have never heard it from that perspective. As we celebrate Christmas I want to share his  message with you. Maybe, you feel God can't relate to your circumstances. It  may feel  as if he is distant and uninterested in you. That is a lie and can't be farthest from the truth.  Jesus was born in the dark, in the dirt and helpless just so that he can relate to us.  

He wasn't born in the spotlight surrounded by royalty! His birth was nothing to rave about, or even be proud of. He  was born in the dark so he can relate to the darkness in our lives,  He was born in a manger a feeder for animals in the dirt. Just so he can relate to the  dirt in our hearts. He was born helpless so he can relate to  us in the coldness of humanity.  

God is not up in heaven looking down at us.  He  is with us in our struggles down in the core of who we are!  

The Jewish nation was expecting this powerful Savior with all the shimmer & Glory and instead he was a unassuming Savior  who came met us where we needed it the  most in a manger.  

God was intentional about everything in Jesus' birth. I think God made a  powerful statement when Jesus was born. He was telling us that we represent the manger  and that Jesus wants to meet us there! Maybe like Jesus birth our hearts can be something we are not proud of. Our hearts can be dark, dirty, cold and filled with deep wounds. He wants every heart to prepare him room. His desire is to meet us where we are today and be Lord of our lives! Because we represent the manger God bends down to listen to us. He gave us the gift of Jesus so that we may live in  eternity with him. I pray that God my use us to plant a seed of salvation in many hearts this Christmas!  

God bless!  

I posted the message below. I trust it will bring you Hope this Christmas!

Be blessed & Merry Christmas! 

Merry Christmas - Part 2 | GFConline

Friday, November 11, 2016

Adventure with Jesus!

🍂Happy Fall!🍂 🍵

What  has Jesus been placing in your heart this season of your life?

Here's a quote from this book I've been reading.....This caught my attention. I want to continually be on an adventure with Jesus! I don't want to get ahead of him. I want to do what he places right infront of me. Staying right here in the moment.....

But that stirring in your chest to use your gifts and abilities? That urgency  to do something about the broken lives around you? Those dreams of how things could be different and what it might take to make them so? That's the Heart of Jesus beating in you. Take a deep breath of that free air and let's dive in after all, a Jesus heart inside means a God Adventure ahead! (Jesus Hearted Woman) by Jodi Detrick

What is stirring up your heart today? Is it this burning desire to start a dream God has given you? What's stopping you? Do you need a mentor to help you execute this dream? Maybe, you need to do what's infront of you. If God planted this in your heart he will complete it in you. Don't get ahead of yourself but do something everyday that brings you closer to that dream. Don't try to hurry to the destination. 

The process will help us in definning this God dream. Be patient, journal & ask God to give you wisdom for the next steps. Do what's infront of you & it will take you to your destination! I have to remember there is a lesson in every season to learn. God will bring it to fruition at his timming! 

In the meantime enjoy the adventure with Jesus! God is not done with us yet! Remember.....He who started a good work in you, will be faithful to complete. Phil 1:6


Friday, November 4, 2016

Let's give Thanks!!

It's November already! ❤ Day# 1
Let's share what we are grateful for daily this month.....Iam grateful for.....
My niece Liz sent this picture to me yesterday! (Greenville, IL) I love the Fall! Grateful for the beautiful foliage God made for us to see.#thankful#Godisgood!
What are you grateful for?? Share

Grateful Day#3- For His Plans!

Grateful for dreams coming into fruition. I'm excited about learning & coming along side women &  helping them discover their God given potential. Excited about what that will look like this coming year & how it will unfold! #nllcoach2017#embracingallGodwantsforme! @abcorniel ~What makes your heart beat fast? & What steps are you taking to move in that direction?

Grateful Day#4 For Mentors!

Grateful for my friend & mentor Cheryl! She pours into me & calls out my gifts & helps me improve on areas that are not my strength. She is wise, godly & her words are coverd with grace& favor. She definitely is a god sent & Iam so thankful to God for bringing us together! #iambetterbcofher#mentorsareablessing!#Godisgood!😊
~ Who pours into your life?

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Grateful Day#2- New Season of life!

Day #2....Grateful for the changes that have been taken place in my life & most importantly in my❤.....#seasonchange #lifeisgood#Godisgood#sometimesitstakingaleapoffaith#wearingbiggershoes#gettingoutofmycomfortzone!#sometimesyoujusthavetochangeyourenvironment!#gratefulformychurch#gfcrocks! ~What has been a difficult change for you in this season of life but the most rewarding one?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why are you afraid?

Why are you afraid? 

This past weekend my Pastor  started a new series on fear and I wanted to recap his message in hopes that it will encourage us to not live in fear instead proclaim God's truth over them. 

Fear is false evidence appearing real. 

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you. You of little faith? So do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?" Or "What shall we drink?" Or " What shall we wear?" For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these, things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Mathew 6:25-34 

At times we fear that God is taking a nap in the midst of our storm. What is sudden to us is not unexpected to God. Fear corrodes our confidence in God's character. Storms are not an option but we can choose to not  be afraid. 

Fear robs us of today's opportunities! 

Fear is a dream killer! 

Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10 

God wants us to trust him in the middle of our fears. There are ways we can practice being fearless.  

One way is by quoting scripture when we proclaim God's word over our fear the enemy doesn't have a stronghold over them.  

Our faith grows and are mind is renewed on his word.  

We need to believe that he knows us and cares for everyone of our needs. He has unlimited power and his words are true. 

 The Lord is my light and my salvation so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? Psalm 27:1 
Here's the link to the message if your interested in hearing it. 

Friday, September 9, 2016



"The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has (chosen) me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to announce release (pardon, forgiveness) to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, (downtrodden, bruised ,crushed by tragedy), to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord (the day when salvation and the favor of God abound greatly)." Luke 4:18-19 

I have been in a place where many people knew me, but very few I could consider to be a friend. Doing life alone is not very fun and for me it affected my spiritual walk. When I walked in to  Grace Family Church for the first time, I felt like a breath of fresh air. There is something about being in a lifegiving environment that brings hope to your life!  

When encouragement takes place people feel included and a sense of belonging. 

Have you ever asked yourself what makes encouraging people so attractive? Why do people gravitate towards them and not the life sucking ones? 

See, encouragement is the action of giving someone support, confidence or hope. As important as giving someone hope, pointing them to where you find that hope is even more important. 

Encouragement is more than just giving someone a ra-ramoment like when we cheer our favorite teams! When we encourage someone we are giving them the hope of Christ! Our words should bring them closer to God. It's about setting the captives free.  

God has anointed everyone of us to go out into this hurting world with our gifts and talents and share them with the broken hearted. To give someone a word ofencouragement is to add value to their lives. 

Encouragement can spark a light in the darkest, loneliest of hearts. I think the reason we gravitate towards encouraging people is because they are irresistible, infectious you can't get enough of their love and out look on life. There is something that sparks when they speak, when they share and are present. Encouraging people are not selfish with their words, their main desire is to uplift you and call out your best. They are ok being second and their words are always covered with godliness. Their main focus is you and to love you! 

When we are life giving we are pouring out into others God's love! We are being Jesus' hands and feet and  giving others hope!  

In 1Thessalonians 5:11 We hear Paul commending these believers "So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so  you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it." 

I want to encourage each one of us today to take the next steps and encourage others, you never know the freedom you are bringing into someone's life by the words of encouragement you give them. 

Be blessed!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fruit pizza

I want to share this Pillsbury delicious quick dessert recipe with you. I made it this past weekend for a sweets get together I was invited to. Hope you try it & enjoy it.

roll (16.5 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated sugar cookies
package (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
cup sugar
teaspoon vanilla
kiwifruit, peeled, halved lengthwise and sliced
cup halved or quartered fresh strawberries
cup fresh or frozen blueberries 

cup apple jelly

  • 1Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 12-inch pizza pan with cooking spray. In pan, break up cookie dough; press dough evenly in bottom of pan to form crust. Bake 16 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.
  • 2In small bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy. Spread mixture over cooled crust. Arrange fruit over cream cheese. Stir jelly until smooth; spoon or brush over fruit. Refrigerate until chilled, at least 1 hour. To serve, cut into wedges or squares. Cover and refrigerate any remaining pizza.

Monday, August 15, 2016



And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that Iam giving you today, Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Duet 6:5-7

As parents our main focus in raising our children should be for them to grow spiritually.

We can do many things with them & for them but the word of God is what will determine their success in life.

We need to be people who  invest in the next generation. Molding their character shaping their perspective in Christ.

Our job is not to condemn the nxt generation, but to commit to them.

Every believer has an obligation to guide the next generation. Passing the baton of life by coaching them, sharing our stories & guiding them in their next steps.

Helping our kids grow spiritually is less about wisdom and answers, its more about willingness and availability.

Kids learn more from natural conversations than forced lectures.

The defentive trait of success is a childs character. Character trumps talent.

Every parent needs another voice in their child's life that says the same thing the parent is saying.

We choose the voices they hear by chosing the places they go!

Who are your children's biggest influences?

Pastor Matt Roden gave an awesome msg on this subject two weekends. Click on the link below to watch.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


- As a leader, how do you treat people around you who seemingly have nothing to add to your life or are there to serve you in some way? When was the last time you were intentionally kind to a waitress or a member of a hotel's housekeeping staff?

- What would it look like to take off one layer of insincerity? Where would you start? Who should you talk to about this?

- Think of yourself in the spotlight of the crowd. What is your demeanor? How do you attempt to come across? Now think of yourself with those closest to you, especially co-workers and family members. Is there a difference between your demeanor and tone of voice before the crowd and in the presence of your family? If so why? How can you build Integrity into your life  by being the same person and in every setting?

- What simple questions can you ask at the next opportunity to show interest in others, even casual acquaintances or strangers?

From The Jesus-Hearted Woman.

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Mathew 18: 1-4

Friday, August 5, 2016


"A relationship is a privilege " not a right!

I look at this picture & think how sweet this relationship expectations,  or manipulation just pure love of friends....
When we decide not to confront someone who wants to manipulate us, use or abuse us. For the sake of "keeping the peace" We have decided to make a relationship a right not a privilege. Stuck people always have an agenda with someone else's life but the minute we allow them to unload their junk on our lives without boundaries.  We have made the relationship a right not a privilege. I think many of us struggle  with being up right honest with others especially when family is in involved. But, my experience is we hurt alot more people when we allow the chaos to become our chaos. Confrontation is not fun, at times we loose people we love. But, I also have experienced that when we choose to have those undesirable talks you remove relationships that are toxic out of your life and  you invite healthy loving ones in. Because relationships are a privilege & and a blessing from God not a right!

Setting boundaries is hard but so necessary. Because,  if not we live the chaos with them! Relationships are a privilege and sometimes people treat them like a right! It's up to us to remind them!

 By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. - Proverbs 24:3-4
Who do you need to set boundaries on today? Choose life not Chaos!

Monday, August 1, 2016

How do you spend your time?

Make the best use of your time...
Ephesians 5:16

I've been working on time mangement. As I read this book this paragraph really made me think about how I spend my time.

We exchange time in the market of life for certain occupations & activities that may be worthy or not productive.
The person who wants to excel must select and reject, then concentrate on the most important items. It is often helpful to keep records of how each hour  in a given week is spent. what happened to them? How are they invested? A person's entire contribution to the kingdom of God may turn on how those hours are used. Certainly those hours determined whether life is a common place or extraordinary.
Iam working on time management removing what is not productive & increasing what will help me grow.

How are you spending your time?

Spiritual Leadership
By. J.Oswald Sanders

Monday, July 18, 2016

Gracious Confidence

As I read this book The Jesus Hearted Woman by Jodi Detrick. I was impacted by the following quote:

"Contrary to what some may think, insecurity is not humility, Quite the opposite, it's me focused and is more concerned with self-protection than risking rejection or pain for the benefit for others."

It brought to my mind that the reason I have this fear of  public speaking is because Iam "me focused" instead of focusing on the fact that what I want to share is a word from God! That the information I want to share may transform someones heart and bring a word of Hope. When my focus is Jesus and his word and making a difference in a hurting world. My influence is bigger than me!  God is glorified and my heart is transformed change happens and his kingdom expands. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

God is in Control

Many people are angry, and rightly so. Anger is a legitimate and proper response to injustice. Confronted with hardness of heart on the part of religious leaders, Jesus “looked around at them in anger” (Mark 3:5). David wrote, “God is a righteous judge, who expresses his wrath every day” (Psalm 7:11). Those who are angry with injustice on the basis of principle and conviction have often bettered our world. Luther was angry at religious abuses; Wilberforce was angry at slavery; Martin Luther King was angry at racism. They illustrate that anger, properly channeled and controlled, can produce positive action.
But there is a warning, “In your anger, do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26). Anger can turn to resentment and bitterness, which like a cancer, pollutes the soul. This is why the Bible warns that we are not to take vengeance on our enemies, “Do not repay anyone for evil… Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:17,19)
Dr.Erwin Lutzer

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Psalm 55:22

We all face the daily opportunity to worry about something our health, finances, family, jobs, the economy.

The list is endless. If we let them, our worries can consume our lives!

Yet worry is so unproductive, it accomplishes nothing except producing anxiety, stress, and fear. Worry will

Rob you of your joy, peace, and faith. It can cloud your mind and often leads to irrational thinking.

Worry’s strength and hold on our life only grows if we dwell on our problems. But there is great news

God’s plan is for us to live a worry-free life! You may be wondering, how is that possible? Simple: by putting our complete trust and confidence

In God and His Word. God promised that He would never leave you or forsake you, and the Bible tells us in Mathew 6:25 not to worry about our life.

If you were to look through the eyes of our Heavenly Father, we would see that no situation or circumstances is too great for God!

Our problems are actually quite small compared to how big our God is!

The secret so many people miss is that it’s not enough to tell yourself not to worry about something; we have to replace worried thoughts

With God’s thoughts. When you dwell on the Word, you dwell on His thoughts. Paul refers to this process as “renewing your mind” in Romans 12:2.

Making it a part of our daily routine to read, meditate, and speak God’s Word will transform your life!

When worry tries to grip us, let us remind ourselves to keep calm and trust God, because He is going to take care of us.

We are more precious than gold to Him!

A Prayer:

Lord, help us not to worry about anything. We are looking to you to see us through this situation. In obedience to your Word, we cast

All our care, concern and worry on you. Grant us your peace to remain steady and calm. Help us to let your peace rule and reign in our heart.

We put our trust and confidence in you. We know you love us and care for us as a loving Father. We know you will not let us down. We believe you are

Working everything out for our good. Lord, reveal to us your perfect will in this situation. Let us keep looking to you and not let our heart be troubled

Or fearful. Help us to be spiritually strong and courageous and not to let our emotions or feelings dictate our actions.

In Jesus name Amen!
Reference taken from
 Jake Provance & Keith Provance
Keep Calm & Trust God